CIU 简介
To Know Him and to Make Him Known
哥伦比亚国际大学 (Columbia International University,简称CIU) 成立于 1923 年,至今已有百年历史。是美国一所历史悠久的私立综合性大学,位于美国南卡罗来纳州的首府哥伦比亚市。
CIU 设有文理学院、计算机和商学院、跨文化研究学院、教育学院等,所有专业均获得SACSCOC (美国南部高等教育联盟)、CHEA (美国教育部高等教育认证委员会)等权威机构认证。有资格授予学士(BA/BS)、硕士(MA)和博士(PhD) 等学位。
哥伦比亚国际大学 (CIU) 获得中国教育部的认可,列入“中国教育部涉外监管信息网”名单。

Kepha 简介
2022 年 CIU 成立 Kepha学院 (The Kepha Institute)。Kepha一词是矶砝 (Cephas) 的亚兰文形式,其原意为磐石。我们使用这个名字,是希望毕业生能够成为转化社区的坚固基石。该学院的主要功能是整合本校已有的国际项目,在行政上统一管理,并进一步优化发展、协同运作。

- 真理教育:世界观、价值观和信仰层面的教育,也是健全人格的根基
- 品格教育:培养学生在道德审美及常识方面的高尚品位,目的是培养学生健全的人格
- 专业教育:追求专业知识和技能方面的卓越,把学生培养为具有竞争力的行业翘楚

Dr. James E. Lanpher(蓝杰明 教授)
Provost / 教务长
The Kepha Institute anchors on the key vision of higher education for the commoners. It is an effort of organizing high-quality educational resources to deliver them via online platforms at a cost that’s affordable to the qualified recipients. The Kepha Institute focuses especially on the developing communities around the world, providing them with professional trainings as well as moral and spiritual upbrings. We encourage our graduates to live in, to serve and to transform the communities to which they belong. With those goals in mind, the Kepha Institute offers practical majors, e.g. MA in Clinical Counseling, MBA, MA in Cybersecurity and MA in Education. The Kepha Institute prepares to offer undergraduate majors in near future, which includes Psychology, Business, Computer Science, Education and etc.
Kepha as a special term comes from John 1:42, where Jesus first met Peter, he called him Cephas. Kepha is the original Armaic form of Cephas. We assume this name with the hope that our graduates may serve as solid foundation for communal transformation.
The Kepha Institute exists as a unit of Columbia International University. All degrees conferred by Kepha bear the same value as other programs at CIU. Our degrees are accredited by SACCOC, as well as other professional accrediting agencies. Columbia International University is also an academic institute recognized by PRC Department of Education.
We cordially welcome same-minded friends around the world to partner with us. There are opennings in Adjunct Professor and Teaching Assistant positions to which you may apply.
徐志秋 教授 (Dr. Zhiqiu Xu)
Dean / Kepha 院长
Kepha Institute(Kepha学院)的核心理念是平民高等教育,也即在全球范围内组织优质高等教育资源,通过网络平台,以受众可以承受的学费,发放给符合录取条件的学员。Kepha学院主要针对全球资源相对匮乏的地区,通过扎实的职业技能培训、以及道德公益素质的栽培,鼓励学员扎根社区、服务社区、转化社区。为了达到这一目标,Kepha学院目前发放的都是实用型专业,主要包括:临床心理辅导硕士、工商管理硕士、计算机网络安全、教育学硕士等。Kepha学院也正在研发本科课程,相关专业包括心理学、商学、计算机科学、教育学等。
Kepha一词来源于约翰福音1:42,耶稣第一次见到彼得时给他起名叫矶法(Cephas),Kepha是Cephas的亚兰文形式。我们使用这个名字,是希望毕业生能够成为转化社区的坚固基石。Kepha学院是哥伦比亚国际大学(Columbia International University)的下属学院,本学院授予的所有学位,其含金量与校本部其他学院相同,都有美国大学联盟及相关行业协会的认证。哥伦比亚国际大学也是中国教育部承认的海外院校。